Upcoming Events

Join us for worship at 9 am each Sunday, Sunday School is the first Sunday of the month.

We are collecting donations to help our schools pay for children's lunches. Please bring your donation to church on Sunday or mail in to the church office. 

Coffee and Conversation January 14th at 11 am at 1012 Cafe on Superior Blvd.  

Knit W.I.T.S. meets at 2pm January 14th and 28th, Come when you can! We are now making  Mini Pocket Prayers Patches to put in your purse or pocket They are 3 x5 inches, and other new projects.

Faith Travelers now meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4pm.  We will be making sleeping mats out of plastic shopping bags.

Alcoholics Anonymous and Recovery meets every Wednesday at 6:30 pm at our parsonage.

Prayer Team meets at 9:30am the second Tuesday of each month.

Nex Trex Recycling, we are collecting grocery bags, produce bags, and other plastics.

January 9th, Home Bound Communion group will be leaving church at 9:45am  Going to Liberty Village, Touch of Home, and Close to Home. Call Pastor for more information.

January 19th, Rhonda Tessman will be taking Blood Pressures. This ministry is available the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Second Harvest Food gives food on the first Tuesday of each month at 3:30pm until 5pm or when food is gone at Recreation Park on Butts Avenue in Tomah. Anyone can come and receive food. For more information call 211.

Neighbor for Neighbor Food Pantry, 1118 West Veterans Blvd. Tomah Wi, 608-372-6737 They are open Monday thru Thursday. Volunteers needed call number above. Our church donations are taken to the pantry the first of every month. WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING EGG CARTONS AT THIS TIME. JULY 8th, 2024

Upcoming events for each week can be found in the worship bulletin posted in the Ministries page under Sunday Worship. 

For more information, check  out our newsletter below. The church calendar can be found on the last page of the newsletter.

January 2025 Newsletter.pdf